Perks of Being a Wallflower Book Club

BC Perks Banner

Before book club starts, cutout different coloured tapes (template for print at the bottom) and have students grab one as they come in for book club. Also hand out black markers or pens. Once everyone is settled, greet everyone and let students know that the cut outs are for everyone to write a mix-tape playlist on the back of throughout the discussion. If a song comes to mind, write down the title and the artist. You can also write an explanation of why that song is important to you if you like. At the end of the night, the tapes will be put in a bowl, and everyone will draw for someone else’s and we can all go back and YouTube the songs we don’t know as a way to get to know one another better.

Discussion Questions

  1.  There are many references to items outside of the novel; songs, movies etc. did you find any of these significant for either yourself or a character? In what way?
  2.  Do you think self-esteem  is an issue for some of the characters in the book? Who do you think is strongly impacted by this and how is that portrayed?
  3.  Why do you think this book was written in letters? Would it have been the same if it was written as a journal? Or simply in first person?
  4.  Anonymity plays an important role in the novel, do you feel like your relationship with the characters was different because of this? Why or why not?
  5.  Do you identify with any of the characters? Which one most?
  6. What do you think about Patrick and Brads relationship? Do you think it was right to try to keep it a secret? Why or why not?
  7.  What do you think being a wallflower is?
  8. A lot of tough issues are tackled in this book; do you think they were discussed well and with sensitivity? Why or why not? Do you agree with some schools choosing to ban this book? Why or why not?
  9.  What about the book resonated with you? In a good way or bad way? What do you think will stick with you longest?
  10.  Have you seen the movie? If so, do you think the casting was right and do you think they did the novel justice?

After the discussion ends, introduce the next book you plan to read and announce the time and place for your next meeting. Tell people to take a tape as they leave and to connect with one another after you’ve had a chance to listen to some of the music.

BC Perks Poster Blank BC Perks Poster

Tuesdays With Morrie Book Club

Tuesdays with Morrie Bookclub

Start bookclub with a round or two of table topics. Before answering the question, have students say their name so the group can get acquainted with one another on semi-personal topics that aren’t intrusive and are open for interpretation. After you go through a few cards, lead the group into a conversation about the novel. Make some of the questions a “Think Pair Share” to help more shy individuals discuss their opinions in a less stressful way (discuss in partners then have one partner share with the group).

Discussion Questions

  1. Did your opinion of the two characters change as the book went on? In what way?
  2. Does the fact that Morrie was dying change the weight in what he had to say?
  3. What do you think the significance of the ‘bridge’ is between life and death? Can you relate this to other events or novels?
  4. How do you think Morrie’s age affected the way he felt about life and death? Do you think he would have had the same perspective if he had been diagnosed at Mitch’s age?
  5. Would your list be the same or different than Mitch’s? What would you add or change?
  6. Would you say that the structure (literary style) of the book in terms of flashbacks affected the meaning of the story or your interpretation? If so, in what way?
  7. As a college students, do you feel like you are missing out in comparison to what Morrie had in the 1960’s?
  8. Death is handled differently in other cultures, is there a particular ritual you connect with or a practice you find comforting, interesting, or disturbing?
  9.  Share a quote you found particularly striking and if you feel comfortable share why it was so important to you.
  10. Did you like the book? Was it sad, uplifting, inspiring? Overall how did it make you feel, and would you recommend it to a friend?

Thank everyone for their thoughts and input, discuss the next book and give a brief summary of what is to  come, decide on a time and date- then tidy up and head off for the evening.

Promotional Material

Font Used: Palatino

BC Morrie Blank Poster Template

BC Morrie Poster

the Tap Project

Objective: To provide students with limited financial resources an opportunity to be involved with citizenship at a global level and to spark thought and conversation about sustainability and global poverty.

In Preparation: Put up the “If the World Was 100 People” Bulletin Board somewhere on your floor, a week or so before your active program. Add the matching promo poster to it after a few days and add more posters all over the floor as the event gets closer!

Water Poster 1

The Event: Choose an evening and have students come to a lounge or other space (preferably with wifi). Give a rousing speech or introduction about global poverty and explain the “Unicef Tap Project“. Have everyone access the website and set their phones on a table in the middle of the room. Once everyone has settled in, have students  watch the movie “Beyond Borders” or “Slumdog Millionaire” (or other such film) and afterwards calculate how many days of water you just provided to children living in poverty (ie. 12 phones X 60 minute movie = 72 Days of clean water). By watching a film and participating in the community, students have actively engaged in a global citizenship effort.

Thats What She Said

RA Bulletin Board Ideas

Quotes from famous women to celebrate International Womens Day on March 8th. All images are printable and can be used for bulletin boards and other displays. A play on words undercutting the phrase ‘Thats What She Said’ and providing an empowering platform for women with strong voices.

Lego Door Decs

Door tags to post outside the doors of new residents in a dorm or hall. Printable and full-size Door Decs for RA’s to use! Goes great with a Lego Floor Theme!

Sh*t Shakespeare Said

Bulletin Board: Sh*t Shakespeare Said that we still say. A printable bulletin board with profane and non-profane title options. This bulletin board uses well known quotes and day to day phrases and is great for a ‘historical figures’ or ‘great thinkers’ floor theme.

Sleep Facts

Facts about sleep and dreaming. The impacts of sleep deprivation and a variety of stats related to student success in correlation with adequate and healthy sleep habits. 25 pages that can be printed and used as a bulletin board.

Despicable Me Floor Theme

Hand drawn minion Door Decs.Door Tags: Were hand-drawn minions each holding a box for students to write their names in. Beside the minion cut-outs there was a printed sheet for dorm-style rooms encouraging residents to fill out their program and favourite movie.

Posters: All posters throughout the semester incorporated a minion in one way or another. Copies of completed posters and blank templates are in the gallery below for swim nights, floor meetings, etc.

Minions Bulletin Board

Bulletin Boards: One of the bulletin boards used was a Venn Diagram of the RA’s for the floor showing interests and similarities between the two. This gives students a passive way to get a sense of who their RA’s are and what they enjoy This board was placed on a small stretch of corkboard near the elevators and was hand-drawn.